Do you feel something is holding you back from living life on your own terms?
I help you clear obstructing patterns and break through unconscious blocks.
So you can be who you are and achieve what you want.

How can I help you?

You are in the middle of your life. You have achieved a lot. You are successful externally. Yet you want to grow further, discover more, live your life on your own terms. But you run into the same patterns time and time again…
As if an invisible hand is holding you back. You wonder…
Is this all? Is there not more for me to achieve?

Our mind is hard-wired to take us to what is familiar, and will try to keep us away from what is unfamiliar. This explains why we always fall back into old patterns. With the help of Rapid Transformational Therapy & Coaching we can unravel the root cause of undesired patterns, interrupt the outdated behaviour and create a new empowering programme in your subconscious brain and body.

Personal development
Your potential expands as you move towards it
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Anxiety and panic
  • Stress and burnout
  • Purpose and meaning
Self-love is the key to successful relationships

  • Attract new love
  • Relationship issues
  • Sex, gender & identity
If you let go of resistance, your child will follow your example

  • Become pregnant
  • Conscious parenting
  • Consciously divorce

You do such beautiful and clever work, I wish everyone a 'Sandra'! I am very grateful that you crossed my path. Thanks for that.

Carola, 41

Working with Sandra was a life-changing experience. She helped me identify and quickly recover my deepest blocks to achieve greater balance in my life with new heights in personal life and work/career.

André, 48 

You break through 'something'. After that, you are who you want to be, who you really are and who you can always rely on. All obstacles are gone. Best gift-to-self ever I can say afterwards.

Merel, 48 

Your guidance, your loving, warm and above all sympathetic approach has given me the results I so desired.

Els, 53 

I have balance back in my life and I feel very strong!

Maddy, 57

I genuinely feel Sandra helped me to change my life.

Rochelle, 28

I am the living example that RTT just works!

Dirk, 50

Sandra provides a warm and safe holding space to let go, have faith and trust

Philline, 32

Sandra silenced my inner critic.

Igor, 35 

It feels I got to know parts of myself that I didn't know before

Robine, 18

Sandra de Gelder

Live your life on your own terms

I made a detour returning to my true self. The first half of my life was outward looking. Locked in a golden cage I was in the grip of fear: scared to fail or make mistakes. I learned a lot from this time and afterwards I knew it was part of my path. Now I have arrived at a new chapter. I am now who I should be, who I always was, of which glimpses were already shining through during the first half of my life. A major midlife struggle taught me how to use tension as a springboard back to my true self living a happy and successful second half.

Everyone has an inner wisdom. Our subconscious mind, our body, is incomparably intelligent. If you stay close to this core, your truth, you contribute exactly what it is that you have come to do here on this planet. Therefore, it makes me genuinely happy when I can help people break through subconscious blocks so that they can discover and achieve their true desires. So that they can start living their lives on their own terms and attract the people in their lives that suit them. And inspire their children to do the same.

How can I help you?

Rapid Transformational Therapy

RTT is a 3-week program that gives you control over your mind, body and behavior via your subconscious brain. We reprogram the neural pathways of the brain so that outdated, limiting beliefs are replaced with new empowering beliefs and the healing process begins.
Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching helps you look at reality in a new way. A reality that goes beyond the story you tell yourself. During 1-on-1 coaching sessions you will receive a neutral perception through your subconscious mind so you can make clear and authentic choices.
Online Program

My online programs have 6 modules that you can complete in your own time to get closer to yourself and the life of your dreams. The step-by-step approach allows you to use the tension in your life as a springboard to the life that is meant for you.

Let me lead you back to your truth. To help you let your light shine again.

Be YOU. Live your truth

Transformation Stories

Merel (46)

Merel (46)

Somehow I felt that something was obstructing me from being who I really am. Merel (46) has a partner and two daughters (13 and 10). She is an entrepreneur and marketing strategist, runs an online platform and provides business training. Her question: how can I make...

Robert (57)

Robert (57)

Thanks to RTT I have lost thirty kilos and that actually came naturally. Robert (57) is married and has two sons (26 and 22) and a daughter (19). He is an artist and entrepreneur and runs several companies. With RTT, he wanted to get rid of his destructive patterns...

Amber (46)

Amber (46)

My identity was so intertwined with my ex-partner and our family that I really had to reinvent myself. Amber (46) is mother of two sons and works as a care coordinator. After a difficult divorce, she wanted to find peace and healthy lifestyle with RTT. “Smoking,...


Let me help you release your limiting beliefs, blocks, or unwanted behaviours so that your life becomes light and free again. Please contact me if you have any questions or visit my practice in the heart of Amsterdam.

06 484 76 221

Keizersgracht 615 | 1017 DS Amsterdam