I wish everyone a ‘Sandra’!

You do such beautiful and clever work, I wish everyone a ‘Sandra’! I am very grateful that you crossed my path. Thanks for everything.

I cannot thank Sandra enough.

The trajectory we did has meant a lot to me. What happened was unusual, I just surrendered to the process. Due to lung disease, I was mentally stuck and I felt uncertain and insecure. My business was going well, but I started to have doubts about everything. I...

Balance is back in my life

I have been addicted to sugar for as long as I can remember. I just didn’t understand where that came from. Especially when emotions played a role, I looked for sugar or something with fast carbohydrates such as croissants. After many visits to therapists, dieticians...

Sandra has brought me much further on my path

I ended up with Sandra through the media. My intention was to undergo the RTT session because I wanted to learn the process myself. During the session so much unhealed, suppressed stuff came up. Things that I thought were already over. Sandra has brought me so much...

You have helped me to see life positively again!

After my RTT session, things went very well for me. I continued to listen to the audio after the 3 weeks. After a few months I stopped listening and it went really well. I no longer suffer from my disturbing past. Some days it goes a bit less and then I listen to the...